Monday, December 1, 2008

Double Coupons at Kmart

So I just found out that Kmart will be doubling coupons this week. This is BIG. They will be doubling any coupon up to $2.oo and I am planning a trip tomorrow. I hope to get some soap, shampoo, and other items for free, so wish me luck. If anyone is interested in joining me, I'll have plenty of coupons to share. Just let me know!


Oliphaunt said...

So maybe it's corny to comment on your own post, but I didn't want to waste a bunch of space. The Kmart run was pretty successful, including getting Life Savers, Gum, Endust spray, and J&J First Aid supplies free. Other things I purchased were Oust, Rice Krispies, playtex drop-ins, reynolds wrap, cat food, Olay bar soap, and Dove conditioner.
Total before coupons (and tax): $63.90
Total after coupons (and tax): $14.50

Ryan and Marci said...

You guys are so good at knowing where the deals are & using coupons! I need some deal-getting tips!

kim and morgan said...

Jen!!! You are amazing! Do you get the deals on that website you shared a while back? I am seriously impressed!!!