Alright, so you have to admit that today was such a blast!! I loved going to see Twilight, it was so fun to sit around and see something played out that we have been fantacizing about for a while (me a few months, others a lot longer...hmmm.. Andrea). So I loved these books, and so I thought it would be fun to post what we all thought about the movie in the comment section.
(Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the movie)
For me, I must admit that it was a lot better than I expected. I heard horrible reviews, so I must admit that I really enjoyed the movie a lot. I don't know if this is because I read the books, but I didn't feel the chemistry between Edward and Bella. If I hadn't read the books would I really get what is going on? He hated her and then suddenly they are declaring themselves, I don't know if they connected the love and intensity between them. Bella was much better than I thought she would be, although I did imagine Bella to actaully smile every once and a while, which movie's Bella was a little more "uncomfortable/awkward." I love the cullens and I wish they had given them more lines, when they came in they were so cool (I hated that they were all cuddly at school and their peers viewed them as perverts), but they did look gorgeous and beautiful and I loved that!! Now I must say this was very cheesy though, was I really supposed to laugh so hard when Edward was tormented by Bella, he just looked like he ws about to blow chunks all over, and the "angle wings" behind him.....super cheesy. But movie Edward was really cute and I liked him. I hated the very end when he had to suck her blood, hello that made the whole thing really cheesy...Edward would never look stupid. I was dispointed that the meadow scene and the wondeful days of "getting to know each other" weren't there, and pretty much that the whole movie was out of order, oh and that Bella wore leggings and tennis shoes to the prom...(Hello, Alice ((who really wasn't even in the movie)) would never allow this). But I think I would like to see it again, and most likely I will buy it. I also heard that they announced the production of New Moon, now my big pondering question is....will they get a new Jacob because he was short (and cuter than Jacob should be), or will they do like Lord of the Rings and make people super big and super small?
Anyways I thought this would be fun, please do tell I want to know what you think!!! Love all of you and thank you for a fabulous adventure!!
Sounds like you girls had a fun girls outing!! I saw the movie with Ryan & we thought it was good too. I didn't have any expectations for it, but it seemed like they set it up well for the 2nd movie. I thought the book was WAY better though.
I agree that they missed some good parts that were in the book. I thought it was weird how they showed Edward when he would run really fast... it just looked too computerized or not real.
It was fun though to see the movie and see if it lined up with how I envisioned everything in my head.
It really was a fun time, but I do agree that they missed out on a lot with the movie. For a movie that didn't have a big budget to work with and had so much to live up to I think they did pretty good. Of course it can't be anywhere close to the books, but it wasn't terrible. I will likely see it again and maybe buy it, but I was disappointed with parts. So hard to live up to everyones expectations...
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